Residential Treatment Center Ohio: Administering Detox for Speedy Recovery from Addiction

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At Ohio Recovery Institute Detox, our expert medical team knows what every client needs. Among other treatment programs, we offer a 24-hour residential treatment service to victims of drug abuse and addiction who need 24/7 medical support. The residential treatment program is ranked the highest detox treatment service in Ohio Recovery Institute Detox. Clients that fall into this category are provided with different therapies, as well as strategic medical resources and tools that are capable of restoring the most severe alcohol and drug abuse cases. Residential treatment clients are provided with top-notch health care and treatment in our facility’s most serene and safest environment.

Since residential treatment clients are drug abuse and addiction victims who require special attention, care, and treatment, our primary focus is to provide the best quality of alcohol, drug, or other substance abuse treatment all over Ohio. At Ohio Recovery Institute Detox, we provide residential treatment clients with a highly safe and comfortable environment. Some of our best psychiatrists, expert physicians, licensed counselors, and addiction specialists are commissioned to provide intensive treatment and care for residential treatment clients. In addition, our team of medical experts is always willing and happy to administer treatments to drug abuse and addiction clients to help them recover as soon as possible.

Residential Treatment Center

Our residential treatment center is a strictly provided facility for drug abuse and addiction victims who need a 24-hour treatment service. In this case, a client placed under a residential treatment program is made to live in the allocated facility for such clients. The residential treatment plan does not run like other programs; our medical professionals do not concentrate solely on the effects of the patient’s addiction but the person’s entire well-being. Clients are examined individually to enable our medical experts to design a unique treatment plan peculiar to a specific client.

Our residential treatment program is a complete package whereby a patient’s body, soul, and spirit are included in the treatment process until the patient attains a state of wholeness in all ramifications. Meanwhile, besides our regular individual and group therapy sessions for all clients, we designed enjoyable sports, music, and art sessions in the entire residential treatment curriculum. These recreational activities are designed to help our clients relax and reduce stress to avoid going back and forth on their response to treatment. We also ensure that residential treatment program clients attend Twelve Step Program meetings.


Highlights of Our Residential Treatment Program

  • Personal, family, or group therapy with expert clinical personnel.
  • Regular (weekly) personal sessions with your specific therapist.
  • Psychiatric assessment and medication management (if necessary).
  • Recreational therapy and stress management.
  • Music and art therapy.
  • Life skills development programs.
  • Resume writing, job application, and interview coaching.
  • Anger management/Aggression control and domestic violence group.
  • Housing/accommodation assistance (if needed).
  • Employment phase (adjusted treatment schedules for working clients).
  • Discharge and aftercare planning. Etc.

Benefits of Residential Treatment Center

Drug abuse and addiction are in different stages. While some cases can be managed by administering regular treatment, others may require special attention due to the level of severity. Therefore, severe drug abuse and addiction cases are specially referred to our residential treatment center. We designed the residential treatment structure in such a way that clients are offered individualized care that they require to respond to the treatment administered for their quick recovery. Once we deal with symptoms entirely, clients will receive lower treatment and care as necessitated by their situation. However, our team of professionals ensures that every client in our residential treatment program completes every stage as required before stepping down to a lower level for adequate recovery.

That being said, the following are some of the benefits of our residential treatment program at Ohio Recovery Institute Detox:

  • A serene and safe environment to aid quick recovery.
  • Supportive community for drug abuse and addiction victims’ speedy recovery.
  • 24/7 treatment and care are administered by our best doctors, psychiatrists, and addiction specialist.
  • Isolation from toxic people, environments, and things that trigger negative urges.
  • Access to different kinds of therapy, including personal and group.
  • Regular treatments to suppress symptoms and aid quick recovery.
  • Opportunity to develop job, career, and life skills.
  • Access to a new community of friends with sober and supportive care.
  • Development of new habits through new health routines.
  • Exciting recreational activities.

At Ohio Recovery Institute Detox, our residential treatment program is designed to provide well-balanced health treatment and care service to drug abuse and addiction clients with severe cases. We understand that our environments play a vital role in forming our mindsets and building habits within us; hence, our team of experts creates an isolated environment that is capable of ridding drug abuse and addiction victims from their past experience and hostile environment that has significantly contributed to their predicament. While this strategy alone can help many patients recover quickly, others also rely on our special recreational and personal development activities to eliminate their past experiences from their minds and take on a new mindset towards life.

Patients undergo several therapy sessions daily, including personal, group, or family therapy. This ensures that each client is provided with the best kind of therapy that aids their recovery faster. Our routine activities also train the patients’ minds to subscribe to a new way of thinking so that they can eliminate some previous harmful routines that influenced addiction and replace them with more positive activities that can aid their recovery.


Residential Treatment Vs. Other Treatment Programs

At Ohio Recovery Institute Detox, our residential treatment program is designed specifically for chronic drug abuse and addiction victims whose cases are highly severe with a high possibility for self-destructive behaviors. Hence, we provide such clients a 24/7 treatment and integrated care service while keeping them to live in our facility until they fully recover. As a result, our residential treatment program is the #1 recommendation for chronic drug abuse and addiction victims. Meanwhile, once such clients start to reveal signs of recovery, especially from symptoms, we transfer them to a lower level of treatment and care which shows that they are recovering gradually.

Highlights of Our Residential Treatment Vs. Other Treatment Programs

Residential treatment program clients live at our facility and receive 24/7 medical treatment and care until they fully recover before they step down to a lower level of treatment and care. On the other hand, clients under our other treatment programs do not have to live in our facility, and as such, they are not subjected to 24/7 medical treatment and care.

We provide a more comprehensive treatment and care service for our residential treatment program clients because of the severity of their cases. Meanwhile, clients under our other treatments programs do not require intensive treatment and care service for their recovery as their addictions are minor in most cases.

Our residential treatment program clients have access to the best doctors, psychiatrists, and addiction specialists to aid their speedy recovery from even the most chronic drug abuse and addiction case. On the flip side, drug abuse and addiction victims with minor cases do not require intensive treatment and care service; hence, our team of professionals who handle minor cases is deployed to administer their treatment.


Is Residential Treatment Worth It?

Some people, especially families or guardians of drug abuse and addiction victims with severe cases, contemplate whether our residential treatment care is worth it or not. However, the symptoms of the chronic addiction problem a victim is battling is a major reason why they need our special residential treatment program. Patients that are open to the risk of self-destructive behaviors to the point of harming themselves or their loved ones cannot be enrolled in our regular treatment programs. Such patients need a special intensive 24/7 treatment and care plan that will handle their case in an isolated environment that has the power to enhance their quick recovery.

Clients who have undergone other treatment plans, especially in other detox centers without successful outcomes, are referred to our residential treatment program. This treatment program is packed full with medical, therapeutic, recreational, and personal development activities that can transform any drug abuse and addiction victim in a couple of weeks to months. Several clients who come in almost losing themselves walk out of our facility to become some of the most admired individuals in their neighborhood and offices. We are dedicated to ensuring that every day counts for clients in our residential treatment program.


Is Residential Treatment an Inpatient or Outpatient Program?

At Ohio Recovery Institute Detox, our residential treatment is an inpatient program. Residential treatment is considered an inpatient program because it requires a client to live in our facility where regular 24/7 treatment and integrated care will be administered until complete recovery. Under the residential treatment program, patients are isolated from the environment, practices, or things that easily trigger their urge to concentrate on other things and routine activities that are capable of transforming them within a safe and serene environment. Finally, residential treatment is considered an inpatient program because it runs from 1 to 6 months, while our outpatient program runs from 1 to 3 days weekly for around 1 – 3 hours each day. While some patients undergo our outpatient program for a few weeks, others stay for some months, depending on the severity of their cases.


Residential Treatment Vs. Sober Living Home

At Ohio Recovery Institute Detox, our sober living home is a unique alcohol and drug-free residence where patients or clients who are currently recovering from drug abuse and addiction can choose to reside. This is a secluded environment that is built to aid further recovery speedily. Clients who live in the sober living home are those who have undergone our inpatient alcohol and drug treatment program; however, this is not always required. Although both sober living home clients and residential treatment clients live in our facilities, sober living homes are designed to offer less intense treatment and care to clients because they are currently at their recovery stage. On the other hand, the residential treatment program is designed for 24/7 intensive treatment and care for clients with chronic drug abuse and addiction cases.


Does Insurance Cover a Residential Treatment Cost?

Sure! As a client with a health insurance policy, your insurance will most likely cover the cost of enrolling in our residential treatment program. However, we advise that you contact your insurer to ascertain whether your coverage options include a residential treatment program in any recovery institute in Ohio, especially here at Ohio Recovery Institute Detox. If you have any further contemplations or inquiries, kindly contact us today!

Start Your Recovery Process With Us Today

If you are contemplating the best alcohol rehab centers or drug abuse rehab centers in Ohio, we are here for you. It is not enough to walk into any rehab or recovery center to enroll in any treatment program. Ensure to carefully ascertain your specific need and the addiction recovery centers with sophisticated treatment programs to meet the needs.

At Ohio Recovery Institute Detox, we have some of the best drug abuse and addiction treatment programs that can transform even the most chronic drug abuse and addiction victim in the whole of Ohio. All our programs have a similar goal of creating an enabling environment and administering a treatment plan that helps our clients live a sober life hereafter as they recover speedily.

Why not take some time to define what you or your loved one need concerning any alcohol, drug abuse, and addiction predicament and contact us afterward? However, if you can’t figure out what your needs are, kindly contact our addiction specialist desk today to speak to our addiction experts who can take you through a step-by-step process to identify the specific problem after a brief interview over the phone and recommend the best treatment program for you or your loved one.

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